
Data parsers for SAXS performed on the BM29 beamline at the ESRF with a Pilatus detector.

esrf_bm29.read_HPLC(filepath, **sample_kwargs)

Reader for an experiment with HPLC in HDF format.

  • filepath (str) – The path of the file to be read

  • sample_kwargs (dict, optional) – Additional keywords to be passed to the sample.Sample class after file reading.


Reader for text file of absorption data from Shimadzu HPLC.


filepath (str) – The path of the file to be read.


  • times (np.array) – The elution time in minutes.

  • wavelengths (np.array) – The wavelengths at which absorption is measured in nm.

  • dataset (np.ndarray) – The 2D dataset of the absorption data with time along the first axis and wavelength along the second.

esrf_bm29.read_processed_1d(filepath, **sample_kwargs)

Reader for an experiment with HPLC in HDF format.

  • filepath (str) – The path of the file to be read

  • sample_kwargs (dict, optional) – Additional keywords to be passed to the sample.Sample class after file reading.